Sunday, May 4, 2008

Blog is up and running!

Woot! A special thank you to Lilyanah Demar from "The Great Store"... er.. I mean, "The Great Serve" for giving me a hefty (albeit; loving) push into creating this blog. Without her I probably would have slept! *teasing*

With that out of the way; I would like to introduce some of our newest products!!
This romantic swing is both elegant and sensual in design, provocative without the poses, and
guaranteed to entice your Master to relax (which we all know Master's need!). Both poses are tender and loving, a soft caress and gentle kiss, sure to get his fires stoked. You can buy the whole set for 600L$ at our main store, and it comes with two talender bushes!

Additionally; we have two new outfits out, as well as an underground servery/chilla in the progress, so please stay tuned for future updates!